2.8MW Best Oil Fired Hot Water Boiler in Mongolia

Mode: Hot Water Boiler

Capacity: 2.8MW

Application: Hotel

This is a very big hotel in Mongolia. Because the heating in this area is central heating. Therefore, this hot water boiler is mainly used for daily hot water supply, bathing, laundry, etc.

This boiler is an oil-fired hot water boiler. This customer has a strong sense of environmental protection and is also to build a high-end hotel brand. Therefore, his requirements for smoke emission are very high, even exceeding the national standards of Mongolia. In order to meet his requirements,  we recommended an oil-fired hot water boiler to him.

Three years have passed. We often visit him and ask about the use of the boiler. This hot water boiler has no problems except for several wearing parts. The customer is very relieved.

Mongolia is one of our very important exporters. Our products are highly recognized by users in this country. Most customers will choose to cooperate with us again when the factory is expanded, or when the old one is replaced.

EPCB will always provide you with an efficient and cost-effective boiler and boiler solutions. Let you and your enterprise more dynamic! If you need a boiler, please contact us!

If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Manager and we will get back to you as soon as possible
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